Friday, June 17, 2005


Think Posted by Hello

Living in Hong Kong, Asia's world city, has a charm of its own. It is also a place with highly advanced and fast-paced technology, mad rush for money, and seven million people on the go to get somewhere which can sometimes stress you out. In my case, more than being stressed, I have lately been travelling in a frustration capsule, seems like being in a place of wilderness for a long time. But God is good and He has been teaching me wonderful things in this season. I want to record some things on this post which the Lord has taught me lately and maybe will also bless you in turn as you read.

The first few things the Lord taught me is whatever place or job I am in or wherever I will be, God has good plans for me, plans to prosper and not to harm, plans to give me hope and a future. These words from Jeremiah 29:11 have come time and again from the Lord in these last two years. I also learnt last week that God wants me to know four things in whatever job I am in:

1. Love the Lord your God with all your heart and all your being
2. The Lord is building character and purpose in me
3. God is interested in using my talents and time for His glory
4. God wants to use me to tell about His son Jesus and share the message of salvation

I love the first one because, I believe, when the first one is in place the rest will follow. Loving Him with all your heart will lead you to spend more time with Him, spending more time with Him builds character. We can freely ask from His goodness and His grace riches of His wisdom, knowledge and talents and be assured that He freely gives it to His children who ask. And finally the joy that He gives is so contagious that you cannot help but tell others about the abundant life Jesus gives.

I hope this blesses and enriches your hearts.

In Him,


Becca said...

I am so glad you are back blogging ... another post full of truth and honesty ... and real spirituality ... real faith in a real God. Thank you.

Meghna said...

I have been reading your articles for some time now. Very interesting. Are you an author on theology?? These articles are full of life and pushes us back to re-think the purpose of existence.

Thank you for all your enlightment.