Wednesday, June 29, 2005

The King is Coming

Maranatha! Posted by Hello

At the shout of the archangel,
The host of heaven, trumpets resounding,
My Lord is coming, riding on His white stallion,
The Lord of Hosts, with the army of heaven,
To make war and take home His bride

Eagerly waiting, hearts pounding,
Believers rejoicing and the wicked fearing,
Prophecy and promises, peace and goodwill,
Judgment awaiting, Heaven and earth bowing, exalting,
To the King of Heaven who sits on His eternal throne

Extending His scepter of righteousness, glory of Heaven now settled,
He judges the living and the dead, foes, friends, kings and nations,
Every knee falling, fear and trembling, joy and tears, all still, all who trust
Know we are home, so rejoice and praise, clap your hands, dance for joy,
We are home; we are home to live forever with our Lord and King.


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