Wednesday, February 03, 2010

The Great "I AM"

Yeshua is the sweetest name, Your name is above all names
Your works and glory surpasses all and are known from age to age,
Your wonders and might go along with your fame,
Consuming fire, a gentle warm light, abounding in mercy, who on earth can gauge
The great “I AM” who sits enthroned on the throne; sending His spirit with a holy flame

The train of His robe fills the temple,
Seraphs singing “Holy, Holy, Holy” , before the King of all glory trembling;
Mighty angels, elders and kings of  old all now assemble;
Paying tribute, honor, glory,  worship and praise resounding,
The great “I AM” who is the way and the truth and the life.

The wonder of the King of Kings becoming man,
Under cover He entered into the world as a stranger, but yet heavens bore the signs,
Shepherds and Angels rejoiced at  Messiah’s coming and all people to Him they ran,
A humble teacher, teaching, healing and delivering; Satan’s kingdom now on decline,
The great  “I AM” who is the Great Shepherd  was here now to secure His clan.

The manna from heaven He became for the sons of men, inviting
All to taste the goodness of God, the fullness of God now revealed,
Mercy and justice He showed us, providing  food for thousands, His race uniting
Preparing a few, strengthening the faithful,  His victory now sealed,
The great “I AM” who is the bread of life was ready to give Himself against all odds overcoming.

At the cross He fulfilled His saving mission; avoiding God’s wrath on the bride He loved,
Gave it all, paid in full, every blood drop drained from His body as a ransom;
For the sins of mankind past, present and future,  King of Glory now lay trampled,
To give light and life to the bride He came to win, setting hell with a transom,
The great  “I AM” who is the light of the world, set ablaze a world now lighted.

Trouncing death, and taking captivity captive, setting free prisoners from darkness,
He ascended heaven proclaiming victory; His sheepfold now secure;
He commissioned twelve to turn the world upside down  to set everybody into freedom,
In His name rich, poor, great and small everybody to be atoned with His righteousness.
The great “I AM” who is the gate for the sheep to enter into eternal everlasting kingdom.

Eternal life and life in abundance given for all who follow His heart and commands,
Abiding in Him and He in us, the branches of His glory flowering and flourishing,
Like the trees of Zion, planted by the streams of living waters, with our names written on His armband,
Your children await, Your creation moans in eager expectation for unveiling the heirs of salvation,
Oh great “I AM” who is the resurrection and life, You will come again to take us home forever.

Sam Kurien

1 comment:

Three Pecan Pies said...

Sam, That is beautiful. I have chill bumps! So glad the Lord is revealing himself to you! RA