Saturday, July 31, 2010

We are Ring Bearers

If you are following this blog, you all know that I love the LOTR books and absolutely love the LOTR movies. I highly recommend the high-def versions available on Blu-Ray for catching all the fine details the movie makers put in on this magnum opus work.

Like Frodo we are all ring bearers, carriers of a story (& carriers of purpose) that is being told on the grander scale. And as the story of life unfolds and takes on different paths we come to a point where we like Frodo say, "my adventure turned out so different, I didn't expect it to go this way". The longings, desires, hardships of life, and events that bring heart wrenching aches make us wonder that my adventure is not that fun after all. In the exchange between Gandalf and Frodo, Gandalf assures Frodo that it is not for us to decide as to whats should have happened, but it is up to us to decide what we are going to do with the time that is given to us. Here is the snippet for you to enjoy!. I have sliced this with the final scene in the "The Fellowship of The Ring" for you to see that Frodo's trusted friend and servant Sam will not give up Frodo half-way on the journey. The fellowship does get broken, but as long as we are true to each other (in spite of being on the opposite side of the spectrum), we will make it against all odds.

Gandalf Final Words To Frodo from Sam on Vimeo.

Life is hard but life is also joyful when we rely on the things that get us through, strength, honor, friendship, faithfulness and love. There are times when these are thoroughly tested and there are times when the closest ones feel that we have failed, but it is in those times that we look in deeper within ourselves and look deeper to those who were near us and who are near now. We should aim to see the good that surround us and these things helps us to move forward. I have learned when we realize this and keep the first things first, believe that many things happen that are not in our control or couldn't be. But know God has given each of us a task, each of us a ring to bear, to see to, that we accomplish the mission that He has entrusted us with. The journey is long, sometimes tedious, but on the way there are great flashes, flashes of joy, pain ....Yes! the journey is also full of perils, full of uncertainties and in spite of all this the journey is worth taking and the journey is worth finishing.

Shalom & Blessings,

Sam Kurien

P.S: And thus two Hobbits set out to change the course of Middle Earth

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