Monday, December 18, 2006

Oh What a week!!!

Oh what a week !!!! God is so so so Good ..Praises to the Almighty One of Israel...There is no one like you Lord.

This weekend I spent three days with 15 men (a strong band of brothers) worshipping, loving and waiting on our King. The presence of the Lord was so sweet in Keystone a ski resort nestled in the mountains north of Colorado Springs as we worshipped and basked in His presence, I felt very strongly the light of His presence coming down on the mountains. The hills were lighted, and the glow of His joy filled every heart that was hungering and thirsting in our group.

I want to share a couple of things that I came away with, I will elaborate these points in my later posts:

1. I want to be with my Jesus, my King and my Lord
2. I want to be covered in the dust of my Rabbi, Jesus
3. I want to go where He tells me to go
4. I want to say things that He says
5. I want to live in the Holy Fear of my Lord all the days of my life

May these desires be your own too, more than that may the desire's of our Lord Yeshua be your own.

Shalom and Shallu Shalom Yerushalim


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