He is the Spring of living waters. A few years back I had a video link on a song praising our Lord with this name. The song was done by Zemar Levav which I repost here today.
The stories of the old testament show the complete fulfillment in Yeshua in every name, character, story and nature of Yahweh in His ministry is mind blowing and awesome indeed! King David was both a lover and a warrior of God. In Psalm 63 he expresses the sentiment of his thirst and panting that can only be filled by God. Believers in Yeshua get even more....drink O lovers of God His offer of intoxicating wine!
I say again:
May He the Spring of living waters quench your soul and then let him also offer you the intoxicating wine of His Holy Spirit that will bring you in even more - to a greater intimacy with Him!!
Blessings & Shalom,